Depression and Anxiety Counseling

Suffering From Anxiety or Depression
Sadness, worry, anxiety and nervousness – all of these feelings and emotions are normal reactions to traumatic and stressful experiences. Problems can arise, however, when these normal reactions are felt at much higher intensities and for exceptionally long periods of time. When they begin to impact one’s daily life and routines, it may indicate that the individual is suffering from depression or an anxiety disorder.

It is very common for these two conditions to be diagnosed simultaneously and they are similar in many respects. Some of the common indications of the disorders include:


  • Feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, loss of confidence.
  • Apathy, indifference, lack of energy.
  • Anger, a higher likelihood to resort to violence.
  • Changes in sleep and appetite, concentration difficulties, fatigue, more frequent aches and pains (e.g. headache, back pain, stomach problems) for no apparent reason.


  • Extreme fear or worry in situations that don’t warrant the feeling.
  • Restlessness, difficulties with concentration, irritability.
  • Heart palpitations, insomnia, sweating, dizziness, shortness of breath, upset stomach.

The Diagnosis Of Depression And Anxiety Disorders
The diversity of the symptoms that can occur from one depressed or anxious individual to the next is considerable. Healthcare practitioners often rely on the information collected during any number of conversations with the patient or whilst completing a specific questionnaire. Unfortunately, there are no simple blood or lab tests that can be used to simply diagnose a patient. Very often the patient will be in supreme physical health and still suffer from serious mental problems.

The Treatment Options For Depression And Anxiety
There are a number of different treatment approaches that can benefit the patient suffering from these disorders. Talking therapies such as the counseling services that Thriveworks St. Petersburg provides are often very effective at treating depression and anxiety disorders. They help manage the symptoms experienced by the patient and they can also equip them with the mental tools required to overcome future occurrences. Other treatments include medical interventions such as anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs or lifestyle interventions such as improved nutrition and frequent exercise.

Why not get in touch with us now to arrange an introductory session with one of our expert counselors at the Thriveworks St. Petersburg clinic.

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