Internet addiction counseling is a specialized therapeutic approach designed to address and alleviate problematic or compulsive internet usage. It offers individuals a structured and supportive setting to delve into the root causes of their excessive online behaviors, which may encompass activities like social media and gaming.
Internet addiction therapists at Thriveworks in Raleigh, NC collaborate with you to identify and alter thought patterns and behaviors that drive your dependence, often employing cognitive behavioral techniques. The primary objective of this counseling is to assist you in regaining control over your internet use, establishing healthier online habits, and addressing any underlying emotional or psychological issues, ultimately fostering a more balanced relationship with the digital world and enhancing overall well-being.
The length of internet addiction counseling can differ depending on the person’s particular requirements and the seriousness of their addiction. Typically, this form of counseling includes multiple sessions spanning from several weeks to several months. The precise number of sessions and overall therapy duration are determined through discussions with the counselor.
Therapy for Internet Addiction in Raleigh, NC
The internet addiction therapists at Thriveworks Counseling in Raleigh, NC are seeing more and more people who have trouble disconnecting from the Internet. But we are also helping more and more people find the resources they need to treat the Internet addiction. If you are struggling with internet compulsions and addictions, reach out to Thriveworks in Raleigh today.
Compulsively Online Behavior
Wifi is in almost every coffee shop, airplane, and even the grocery store. The Internet is often easily accessible. It is understandable why people are spending more and more time online. However, Internet addiction goes deeper than access. Even in the mid-90s, when people had dial-up, mental health professionals noticed a problem. Some of the behaviors that certain people displayed around the Internet mirrored other behavior-based addiction, like gambling and shopping. For example, Dr. Kimberly S. Young developed criteria for recognizing Internet addiction. The symptoms will be recognizable to those familiar with other forms of addiction:
- Risk: Endangering one’s professional career or personal life to be online or to do certain things online.
- Escalation: In order to feel satisfied, being online for increasingly more and more time or taking more and more risks.
- Obsession: Constantly thinking about the Internet and experiencing preoccupation with being online.
- Lost Control: Losing track of time when online—staying there longer than planned.
- Deception: Misleading loved ones about how much time one spends online or what one does online. Often, people deceive themselves about the seriousness of their Internet use.
- Difficult Emotions: Feeling irritable, depressed, or moody when one cannot get online.
- Self-medication: Using the internet to manage one’s mood or avoiding difficult feelings by going online.
- Failed Attempts to Quit: Wanting to curb or stop use. Attempting to stop without success.
There are also different varieties of Internet addiction. For example, some people struggle with net compulsions—losing control of one’s shopping, gambling, or day-trading. Others struggle with playing video games online or looking at online pornography. Many mindlessly scroll through social media and other websites. In whatever form the Internet addiction may come, many of the treatments are the same.
Setting Up Appointments for Internet Addiction at Thriveworks Counseling in Raleigh
Many people are struggling with how long and what they do online, but many people are also reaching out for help. If you are ready to meet with a therapist about your Internet use, consider reaching out to Thriveworks in Raleigh, NC. Our therapists are taking clients, and we offer appointments for Internet addiction.
When you contact our office, know that a scheduling specialist will answer your call and help you make your appointment. You may be meeting with your counselor within the same week, if you’d like. We do not keep a waitlist, but we do offer evening and weekend sessions. We also accept many different forms of insurance. Let’s work together.