Thriveworks child & teen counseling in Durham helps young individuals better understand and manage the challenges that affect their mental health. Common challenges amongst kids include behavioral issues, trauma, bullying, depression, and anxiety. All ages of children and adolescents can attend and benefit from therapy.
Child & teen counseling works by using multiple techniques, tailored to fit the child or teen’s needs based on their age group, their challenges, and the severity of their challenges. It might involve play therapy for younger kids or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectic behavioral therapy, art therapy, and others for varying ages. In any case, child & teen counselors have the expertise and experience to help young individuals at their level.
Childhood is the time we start to discover ourselves. The time for us to learn what we’re interested in, what we’re good at, and ultimately what makes us happy. But again, it takes some time to figure that stuff out.
Kids often have a whole lot to juggle without enough hands to juggle them—that’s where child or adolescent therapy comes in. This form of counseling is made to help children better understand and manage issues that arise, from stress to mental health conditions and difficulties at home or school.
The child counselors and therapists at Thriveworks Counseling in Durham who specialize in working with children understand how these young minds work and can break down a problem in a way that makes sense to them. If you think your child could benefit from working with a counselor or therapist—maybe they’re showing signs of a mental illness, they’re struggling to handle school stress, or they’ve recently lost a loved one—reach out to Thriveworks.
Our counselors and therapists are eager and able to help—call or schedule online to get started.
Who Can Benefit from Child Therapy?
Think about it: it’s often hard for us adults to experience, understand, and work through our feelings. Imagine how tough this must be for children and teens. Fortunately, child therapy is designed to guide them in doing so—whether it’s a 15-year-old boy dealing with the hurt from his parents’ divorce, a young girl who’s lonely at a new school, or a kid who exhibits signs of depression and anxiety. The list is never-ending, but here are common issues kids present in child therapy:
- Moving to a new town
- Attending a new school
- Death of a loved one
- Addiction in the family
- Divorced parents
- Mental illness
- Abuse
- Trauma
- Bullying
In any case, the main goal of child therapy is to provide kids with the tools they need to manage issues that arise and better deal with stressors. The Durham counselors and therapists will dedicate their efforts to accomplish this mission and ultimately help your child live happier.
Does My Child Need Therapy?
Below is a list of signs to watch for in your child that may indicate a larger problem:
- A prolonged change—something that’s not just a reaction to a specific situation or a phase
- Behavior change that causes your child to withdraw from friends, activities, or family
- Aggression or deviance that leads to consequences from school or police authorities
- A fearful response to people or situations that he or she was not fearful of in the past
- Unexplained cuts, scratches, or bruises that re-occur or never truly heal
If you observe one or more of these signs in your child or teen, set up an appointment with a Durham child counselor. Our Thriveworks Durham child counselors are trained to be solution-focused and will work with your child and family to find the right strategies that work for him or her.
Schedule an Appointment at Thriveworks Counseling in Durham Today
Child therapy can help kids better maneuver and enjoy life in adolescence. As we delved into earlier, it helps those suffering from the harmful effects of mental illness, divorced parents, low self-esteem, a tough move, and more.
We want you and your child or teen to get the care that they need. If child therapy is something you want to pursue or learn more about, call Thriveworks Counseling in Durham at (919) 629-3854. You can also easily schedule a session online.