Emotional abuse counseling with our Thriveworks therapists in Colorado Springs gives people the safe space they need to identify and understand the harm they’ve experienced and move forward. Through therapy, many victims have rebuilt their self-esteem and self-worth; recognized that they did not cause the abuse, but their perpetrator is responsible for the choice to harm; identified their wounds and found the treatment they need; healed from trauma; re-established their personal safety; grieved their losses; formed new, loving relationships; and learned to trust their experiences and emotions.
Emotional abuse counseling with one of our Thriveworks therapists in Colorado Springs, CO can last for a few weeks, months, or longer, depending on the individual’s exact needs and preferences.
Emotional Abuse Counseling—Therapists and Counselors in Colorado Springs
Untraceable poison. The effects are noticeable, maybe even blatantly obvious, but the source is not. Emotional abuse, also known as mental or psychological abuse, aims to belittle, control, and isolate a person into subordination and helplessness. The abuser may frame it as being helpful, stating they are guiding, advising, or teaching the victim something. The approach is very passive, subtle, and very silent.
The tricky thing about emotional abuse is that it can easily blend into the background, so subtle that it it is easily overlooked. However, there is a sense of something not being quite right. There may not be physical marks but there are deep wounds that drastically impact the quality of the victims’ lives. If you can relate all too well and think you could benefit from emotional abuse counseling, reach out to Thriveworks Colorado Springs today.
Types of Emotional Abuse
There are various types of emotional abuse:
- control and domination
- isolation and neglect
- bullying and humiliation
Identifiers of Emotional Abuse
Typical behaviors of a psychological abuser include:
- Controls your money and your spending
- Treats you as inferior, consistently pointing out your shortcomings and faults
- May control where you go, who you see, and/or what you do
- May use the silent treatment to punish you
- May belittle your successes
- May accuse you of things you never did
- May regularly make jokes at your expense
- You may be afraid or intimidated to voice an opinion
The Effects of Long-Term Abuse
People who endure long-term emotional abuse generally have low self-esteem. They may have personality changes and withdraw from others. The largest impact of continual emotional abuse though are anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
Schedule Abuse Counseling at Thriveworks Colorado Springs
There is hope! Our Colorado Springs therapists and counselors are here to help you. Call us today to find out how we can facilitate you towards a healthier life. We offer evening and weekend sessions, and accept most major insurances.