Procrastination is a common work habit that most everyone engages in from time to time. It’s a habit that’s easy to get into, as the pattern of procrastination can build on itself and make it harder and harder to do things when you need to. Whatever is causing you to…
Mental Health Topics
With the year already in full swing, many individuals have made New Year’s resolutions to live healthier lives and to take steps to improve their overall well-being and happiness. That said, with all the noise around self-improvement, it can be hard to know where to start, or what practices will…
Kids depend on their parents in many senses, but especially emotionally. However, sometimes parents can seek a level of emotional support from their child that should be pursued and fulfilled in an adult relationship. This dynamic is called “emotional incest,” with the child taking on an inappropriate level of emotional…
Want to talk to a family therapist?
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Therapy can help people of all ages become better attuned to their emotions, process events impacting their well-being, and learn helpful coping skills. However, for young people like children and adolescents, specified approaches might be needed to make sure that the therapeutic process is accessible and effective for them. One…
An abusive relationship can consist of several traumatic events, which can cause these symptoms to stay present during the relationship as well as long after the relationship has ended. In the first month following a traumatic experience, if these symptoms are present, it is considered to be an acute stress…
Few other psychological conditions affect an individual’s ability to function quite like abandonment issues. Often formed in response to a traumatic or neglectful childhood experience, abandonment issues can wreak havoc on the emotional and external lives of both children and adults who struggle to see their own value and to…
Want to talk to a therapist?
Start working with one of our top-rated providers. We have availability now and accept most major insurances.
Despite being different disorders, bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder have so many symptomatic similarities that they can often be mistaken for one another. That being said, the functioning and root causes, and therefore the treatment, of each disorder are quite different, which makes it very important to discern one…
As a leader in mental healthcare delivery for over 15 years, Thriveworks has seen mental healthcare demand skyrocket and explosive growth in behavioral health solutions. Despite this growth, lack of both access and affordability continue to plague consumers while trust in the system erodes. Themes from the stage at the…
Relationships are often full of joy and new experiences. However, they can also be challenging, as they will always have to balance the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of two different people. However, there are certain things that can quickly increase negative thoughts and behaviors in a relationship, as well as…
A recent survey commissioned by Thriveworks unveils compelling patterns in American perceptions of mental health and seeking mental health treatment. These key insights outline whom we’re most likely to tell about our mental health challenges, which generation is most likely to seek therapy and much more. Who Is in Therapy—or…
Self-harm is a serious and prolific issue today — especially among young people. Self-harm is not uncommon. According to the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, it is estimated that up to 16.9% of people will self-harm in their lifetime, often starting at the age of…
Depression is a common mental health condition that has affected at least 29% of Americans at some point in their lives. As a result, mental health treatments for depression have become an essential part of coping with different types of depressive disorders. Learn more about depression symptoms, risk factors, and…

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