Mental Health Topics

Want to talk to a therapist?

Start working with one of our top-rated providers. We have availability now and accept most major insurances.

Want to talk to a therapist?

Start working with one of our top-rated providers. We have availability now and accept most major insurances.

If you’re pregnant, or are trying to conceive, chances are you’re curious (and maybe a little nervous) about how certain medications and substances might affect your pregnancy. You probably know to avoid alcohol and limit caffeine among other things. But what about psychiatric medications? How can prescription drugs that you’re…

We all experience days when we’re just not in the mood to mince words; which means some conversations may get a little heated under the right circumstances. And often, we tend to snap at the people who are closest to us; the friends and family we care about.  Those arguments…

It’s normal to feel exhausted at the end of a long day—or after working out, traveling, or even some vigorous spring cleaning. But what about when we’re depressed? Could depression actually affect our energy levels?  Can Depression Make You Suddenly Tired? Mental health professionals typically agree that it can. Remember,…


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