Mental Health Topics

Trauma dumping refers to a situation where an individual shares their traumatic experiences in an overwhelming, often boundary-violating manner without the listener’s consent. While it’s not  always intentional, trauma dumping typically crosses interpersonal boundaries and may cause the listener to feel overwhelmed or trapped.  Learn more about how to spot…

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May 1st marks the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Month, a time of observance during which every American is encouraged to put their mental health needs first. It’s also a time when dedicated mental health professionals are recognized for their efforts in offering compassionate care.  Mental Health Awareness Month presents…

Want to talk to a therapist?

Start working with one of our top-rated providers. We have availability now and accept most major insurances.

An inferiority complex refers to someone’s unrealistic perceptions of their inadequacy. While it can be a symptom of certain mental health conditions, inferiority complexes aren’t recognized in the DSM-5 but are still a mental health concern for many everyday people.  Learn the truth about inferiority complexes below, including the signs,…

Parent-child relationships are an important part of development and can impact children well into adulthood, for better or worse. Though parents often do their best, they are still people, and they will make mistakes raising children. Subsequently, issues and conflict can develop between children and their mothers or fathers.  Many…

Mental Health Disorders (DSM-5)

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