Mental Health Topics

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Attachment styles are emotional bonding patterns originating from early interactions and relationships with primary caregivers. Though these patterns are not always readily noticeable, they can significantly influence adult relationships by shaping expectations and behaviors toward intimacy, connection, and dependency. Everyone has an attachment style—some are healthy and secure, while others…

Want to talk to a therapist?

Start working with one of our top-rated providers. We have availability now and accept most major insurances.

Though panic attacks are intense and can be debilitating, there are many ways to cope with and even prevent them before they reach their peak.  Their intensity and quick onset can make them difficult to de-escalate—especially without effective coping strategies. However, with the right treatment and helpful coping skills, people…

Cognitive distortions are inaccurate thoughts that we believe to be rational but only serve to perpetuate negative thought patterns and behaviors—ones that often make us feel bad about ourselves.  Because cognitive distortions are the backbone of negative thinking and emotions, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on helping patients change these…

Mental Health Disorders (DSM-5)

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