117 therapists available in Virginia, including 6 in Newport News
Finding a counselor can be scary, but I'm here to make the process as easy as possible.
I look forward to cultivating and maintaining an inviting and supportive relationship with you in order to assist with fostering positive change and long-term growth and healing.
As a military spouse, mother, and first-generation college-educated individual, I understand what it is like to face unique challenges.
As a woman of color, military veteran, and trauma professional, I understand how unhealed trauma can upend your life and cause you to think there's no hope. I will help you journey to healing and life transformation.
I am a strong advocate of empowering my clients to be the best version of who they are in order to succeed and go far physically and mentally.
117 providers are available now in Virginia
Expand your search outside of Newport News to view additional providers & find the right one for you — online & in-person sessions available.
×I look forward to meeting you where you are and walking alongside you to help create your most authentic and whole self.
As a woman with varied life experience, I understand the need to have a listening ear.
Life can be challenging and full of ups and downs. As a therapist and a human, I understand the importance of wanting to gain understanding and control of it.