Cannabis use disorder counseling from our Thriveworks therapists in Grand Rapids Charter Township can help people manage their urges to use cannabis. In addition, it can help people manage the challenges that stem from their cannabis use disorder, from relationship issues to problems at work, as well as those that their disorder may stem from, like trauma.
Cannabis use disorder counseling works by helping one understand the underlying causes of their disorder, teaching them coping strategies, and recognizing their specific triggers. Long-term or ongoing cannabis use disorder counseling can also help to prevent relapse.
The length of cannabis use disorder counseling in Grand Rapids Charter Township depends on the individual’s needs, the extent and severity of their disorder, and the problems that might stem from it. That said, people can make meaningful progress in cannabis use disorder counseling in the first weeks to months.
Cannabis Use Disorder Treatment—Counseling to Detox from Weed in Grand Rapids, MI
Cannabis addiction has become so widespread that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) now acknowledges Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD). People may struggle with CUD if continue to use marijuana despite impairment or distress that it may cause in their lives.
Has pot negatively affected your life? Is it making your daily life harder or straining your relationships? If so, know that it is possible to quit weed, and many people have done so with a therapist’s help. The counselors at Thriveworks Grand Rapids treat CUD and have extensive experience supporting their clients as they detox from and learn to live without weed. Reach out today for help.
Disordered Cannabis Use
DSM-5 acknowledges the addiction as Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD). It gives parameters for diagnosing CUD: marijuana use for a minimum of one year wherein people experienced an increase in daily agitation and a decrease in daily functioning, manifested in at least two of these symptoms:
- Dedicating significant time to obtaining, ingesting, and recovering from marijuana use.
- Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit or use less.
- Elevating weed over job, family, hygiene, school, and friends.
- Continued weed use despite harm to oneself, family, friends, or work.
- Using greater amounts of weed to experience the same high.
- Using weed at increasingly more frequent intervals.
- Attempting to stop or lessen cannabis use without success.
- Craving weed, even through dreams, images, smells, and obsessive thoughts.
- Mixing pot and risky behavior such as driving a car while high.
Benefits of Treating CUD
To help them navigate the challenges of detox, many people seek out professional treatment. Therapists can guide people through the challenges of detox and equip them to handle any emotions that may surface.
There is no silver bullet for treating CUD. Healing often means walking a path with many highs and lows, but people who have successfully treated their CUD are usually glad they did. Some of the many benefits they reported after detoxing include…
- Better concentration and memory
- Renewed enjoyment of hobbies and interests
- Improved sleep
- More energy
- More money in the bank
- Better relationships
- Balanced mood
Setting up CUD Therapy at Thriveworks Grand Rapids
When you read through the list of CUD’s symptoms, did you recognize any behaviors in your own life? If your cannabis use has become more consuming and complicated, then it may be time to get help.
Thriveworks Grand Rapids has appointments available for CUD treatment, and we have tried to take the hassle out of scheduling therapy: A person will be able to make your appointment. We offer weekend and evening appointments. We also accept many insurance plans.
Is it time to live without marijuana? If you are ready to treat your CUD, we are ready to help. Call today.