102 therapists available in Georgia, including 9 in Atlanta
As a provider who has close associates with psychiatric issues, I understand what it takes to give care to individuals who present with diverse mental health issues.
As a therapist who has worked with a diverse population of children, adolescents, and adults, I understand the numerous challenges impacting both individuals and families on a daily basis.
I'm a therapist who believes that people do the best they can with the tools they have.
I understand the obstacles in the way of seeking mental health assistance for minorities and those who have strong religious backgrounds.
As an African American woman, I understand how mental health and family secrets can be subjects to never speak about—only prayed about and ignored.
102 providers are available now in Georgia
Expand your search outside of Atlanta to view additional providers & find the right one for you — online & in-person sessions available.
×Hello! I’m so glad you’re here. I look forward to partnering with you on your journey toward growth and healing.
My primary goal is to serve my patients by providing care that is collaborative, comprehensive, and respectful, giving all patients the voice that they deserve.
As a clinician with 22 years of experience in the mental health field, I understand the unique issues of clients with different personal, ethnic, racial, and cultural backgrounds.
As someone who was raised by U.S. immigrants, I understand and can empathize with the value and importance of an individual's entire experience, including family dynamics, community, and culture.
I am passionate about working with clients on the beautiful journey of finding their self-worth, developing tangible coping skills, and learning how to be present as their genuine selves.