Julia is facing a dilemma. She has been settled in a great job for a few years now. It is mundane at times, but Julia is thankful for the stability, even if it is not her dream job. No, her dream is starting a business with her sister. Until recently, this was just a dream, but last week, Julia’s sister approached her with a business plan that just might work. It is definitely a risk, but it is a calculated risk. Julia does not know what to do. If she starts this business with her sister, life would be harder in a lot of ways, but if it worked, life would be better in a lot of ways. If she stays in her current job, life would probably be more boring, but it would also be more stable. Julia has a few weeks to decision, so she makes an appointment with her life coach. Together, they analyze, discuss, and dream about each option. Julia considers potential outcomes with her life coach, and after a few sessions, she knows what to do. Julia feels confident about her decision for the future, and she feels confident about her decision to work with a life coach.
Devon is ready for a big adventure, at least he thought so. A few weeks ago, he made the decision to move to the opposite coast. Devon has always wanted to live there, and after 20 years of living in the same apartment and working at the same cubicle, it was time for a change. Now that the move is just a few weeks away, Devon is second guessing himself. How will he get established in his new job? When will he have time to make friends? What if he does not like his new apartment? As the questions mount, Devon decides to meet with a life coach. Together, Devon and his life coach make a plan to address his concerns and his changing needs. They set personal and professional goals. As Devon moves, they continue to meet together via teleconference. A year into the transition and a year into life coaching, Devon is glad he made the decision to move, and he is glad his life coach was there to support his adventure.
Coaching is not just for the athletic field. More and more, people are relying upon a life coach to help them navigate big decisions, life transitions, and big goals. That is why the professionals at Thriveworks San Diego offer life coaching. We have helped many people reach their full potential.
What Exactly Are Life Coaches?
As a relatively new type of mental health care professional, who life coaches are and what they do is still developing. In many ways, flexibility is built into the profession, and this ability to adapt has served many clients well. Here is a little picture of who life coaches are and what they do:
- The main goal of life coaching is to help clients reach their potential.
- Sessions are often focused upon goals—setting and achieving them.
- Every coach is different and has a particular style.
- Life coaching can be personalized to a client’s preferences and needs.
- Some therapists are life coaches, and some life coaches are therapists. However, life coaching and counseling are different professions.
- The International Coach Federation (ICF) has developed ethical standards for life coaches.
- Life coaches, however, are not a regulated industry. They are not required to be certified or licensed.
- Some life coaches work closely with other medical and therapeutic professionals.
- Some life coaches work independently.
- Many of the techniques that life coaches use are believed to be based upon principles used for coaching an athlete.
“Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen.” —Pete Carroll
Life coaches take their client’s professional and personal goals as their own and help them reach their full potential. People who have used life coaches include CEOs who know they still have more to learn… Retirees who are reorienting their lives and finding meaning in different places… new college grads who are navigating a first job… and the list could go on. Many different people utilize life coaches because life coaching offers so many potential benefits. A few of those benefits may include…
- A clearer life vision with goals that support that vision.
- Strategies and techniques for maximizing your potential.
- Unbiased and unwavering support from the life coach.
- More accountability that keeps you achieving.
- Improved confidence and self-esteem.
- Encouragement and inspiration during setbacks and hard times.
- Professional development.
- Personal development.
Working with a Life Coach at Thriveworks San Diego
If you are ready to meet with a life coach, consider reaching out to Thriveworks San Diego. Our life coaches are also certified mental health counselors. They are caring, experienced professionals who have helped many people reach their goals. When you contact our office, you may be meeting with your coach the following day. Our new clients often have their first appointment with their life coach within 24 hours of their first call. We offer evening and weekend appointments, and we accept many different forms of insurance. However, we do not put our clients on a waitlist because we do not keep one. Call today for a life coaching appointment.