Play therapy is a therapeutic technique used for children and young teens. It involves the use of toys, art, and games to help young individuals process mental health challenges they encounter throughout their childhood like trauma, behavioral problems, divorce, or bullying.
Thriveworks play therapists in Wyomissing work with young individuals to help them express themselves, release stress and other emotions, learn about their emotions, and heal from difficult experiences by using toys, games, and art to work through these issues in more digestible and accessible formats.
Play therapy, on average, can take around 20 sessions to effectively address a young individual’s mental health concerns. However, therapy is a very individualized process, meaning that more or fewer sessions might be required depending on the client’s condition and symptoms.
Play is your child’s work. It’s their language and how they often communicate. Therefore, play therapy is a safe, natural, fun and enjoyable medium to use with your child. Research has demonstrated that there are many therapeutic benefits to play therapy. Your child will love it.
What Types of Problem Can Play Therapy Help My Child With?
Play therapy is one of the most preferred methods of treatment for many children ages 3-12. It builds on the natural way that children learn, communicate, and express themselves. Here is a sampling of some of the difficult issues that play therapy can help your child with:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Trauma
- Abuse
- Chronic Illness
- Death
- Divorce
- Anger
How Does Play Therapy Work?
Play therapy is a structured form of counseling using play as the primary source of assessment and intervention. Play can be directive or non-directive. It can help counselors assess and understand your child’s problem by watching your child play or it can help address those hard issues by using toys to facilitate growth and development. Play therapy can help children explore their issues, express their feelings, communicate with others, resolve conflicts, relieve stress, help regulate emotions, develop coping skills, increase social skills, decrease aggression, and develop problem solving skills. Some of the mediums used in play therapy include dolls, puppets, games, sand, art, and music. Research has found that there are many curative and healing factors inherent in play. Sometimes even family members will be involved in the play and learn strategies and techniques to use with their children.
How Can Thriveworks-Wyomissing Help?
At Thriveworks-Wyomissing, a child counselor who is trained in using play therapy techniques will meet with you and your child to see if play therapy is the right treatment of choice for your family. We understand how precious your child is. Let’s have fun while learning. Let’s get started with the power of play. Let the games begin!
Let’s get your child “thriving!”