
What is self-reflection & how to reflect

Self-reflection is essential for cultivating self-awareness, understanding personal identity, and identifying unique characteristics, whether physical, psychological, or interpersonal. Its objective nature, focusing on “what” rather than “why,” fosters productive self-awareness and decreases self-criticism. Self-reflection is valuable in various aspects of life, such as relationships, parenting, and professional development.  Practicing self-reflection…

What are some helpful journal prompts for anxiety and depression? The benefits of journaling and 5 journaling prompts for mental health

Journaling is a powerful tool. It serves as an outlet, allowing us to express our emotions and process our thoughts without fear of judgment — there is no need or temptation to censor ourselves when we’re writing to and for nobody but ourselves. What a gift. And yet, for some,…

Companion animals: The best pets for depression

We all feel lonely sometimes—say, when we’re drowning in work and too busy to hang with loved ones, or after a tough breakup from a significant other. This loneliness is often discouraging and, for some, loneliness transforms into depression. Sometimes resolving depression isn’t possible by ourselves, especially when our friends…

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