
When grief becomes anger: 5 steps that will help you work through the anger stage of grief

In 1969, Swiss-American Psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross theorized that there are five universal stages of grief: denial and seclusion, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These stages have since become a widely recognized framework for understanding how people process heartbreaking loss.  However, grief is an incredibly personal experience and these stages don’t…

How to say no to someone with borderline personality disorder: Learn to navigate conflicts while still offering support

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a condition that can make trusting other people and establishing lasting relationships extremely difficult. This can make coping with BPD in relationships frustrating for the person carrying the diagnosis, as well as for a loved one trying to understand and be supportive.  While navigating borderline…

A guide to anger management: Effective anger management strategies

We all have our triggers—those little pet peeves and touchy subjects. But there’s a difference between having our temper flare temporarily and deep, seething anger that can feel impossible to let go of. For some people, anger is an emotion that’s difficult to control. It detrimentally erodes their interpersonal relationships,…

Anger and anxiety: Understanding the connection, and how to process what you’re feeling

Anxiety and anger are common emotional states that many of us experience—sometimes daily. But when we’re unable to manage the intensity of these emotions, they might transform into chronic issues.  This means that it’s important to think through the causes of anxiety and anger, as well as how to prevent…

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