
Supernaturally talented but still human: Examining the unique (and also normal) mental health challenges of Olympians and elite athletes

When even the word “Olympian” means god-like, it’s hard to ignore the superhuman connotations behind the Olympics. And when we think about the great Olympians of our time like Michael Phelps or Simone Biles, we usually think about the ways in which their physical gifts and strength set them above…

Missing the tailgates and cheering from the stands? College football fans are taking a hard hit this season

As soon as talk about a looming global pandemic swept across the States, everyone took a hard, isolated hit. For fans of sports teams, this was an especially hard transition in a unique way. Most major sports seasons were halted or altered—which meant that fans of these sports teams weren’t…

Playing organized sports decreases depression in boys, but not girls (Video)

Playing sports might protect boys from depression. A study from the journal Biological Psychiatry examined how exercise might impact the development of depression in children. It analyzed over 4,000 kids ages 9 to 11 and saw that sports participation was linked to fewer depression symptoms specifically in boys. Researchers found…

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