
Is your approach to child discipline wrong? These strategies work better than others, according to the professionals

Child discipline is tricky business: as there is a wide range of strategies and techniques that can (or actually can’t) get the job done. So which one’s do get the job done? According to science, the authoritative parenting style proves the most effective; this involves encouragement and clear communication. Another…

What does gaslighting look like in a relationship?

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation and emotional abuse whereby the perpetrator leads one to question their reality, their logic, their intuition—everything they know to be true. This manipulative behavior is observed among friends, family, colleagues… and, of course, romantic couples. So, what does gaslighting look like in a relationship?…

What does a healthy therapeutic relationship NOT look like? Here are five types of therapists you should avoid

When exploring different options for therapy and therapists, it’s important that you acknowledge the importance of a healthy therapeutic relationship and therefore avoid several types of therapists. The first kind of counselor you should avoid is the Conflict of Interest Therapist: or in other words, a counselor that your close…

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