medication management

Delusions of grandeur: A look at the nature of false beliefs and grandiosity

While high self-esteem and soaring self-confidence are usually considered admirable traits, when delusions of grandeur set in, it’s often a cause for concern. Though delusions of grandeur may sometimes be a symptom of a mental health condition, these elevated self-perceptions can be visible even without a pre-existing condition. Take a…

Can a therapist diagnose ADHD? How the ADHD testing and diagnosis process works

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, and its diagnosis often requires a thorough examination of the individual’s history, symptoms, and functioning in different areas of life. If you’re in therapy already (or are considering starting), you might be wondering: Can a therapist diagnose ADHD? In most cases, they can. Learn more…

Wellbutrin for ADHD: Is it as effective as stimulant-based treatments?

Wellbutrin is an antidepressant that, while it doesn’t carry an FDA-approval, often works effectively for some people to treat ADHD symptoms. But as with any other medication, there are positive and negative factors to weigh, and Wellbutrin for ADHD requires a licensed psychiatric professional’s prescription.  Follow along as we highlight…

How to get antidepressants: Tips on working with your provider to receive the best medication for your symptoms

Even if you don’t know how they work (or how they’re prescribed), chances are, you’ve heard about antidepressants. Perhaps you’re feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or depressed yourself—and you’re now wondering how to get antidepressants. Psychiatric providers prescribe antidepressants based on mental health criteria that they’re trained to treat and diagnose. This…

Psychotropic medications: What types of medications are psychotropic, and what are their uses and risks?

Psychotropic medications sound complicated, but the term refers to any drug that has an effect on the brain. Psychotropic medications come in many different forms, with different usages and modes of functionality.  Even though we might jump straight to pharmaceutical drugs when we hear the word “psychotropic,” the truth is…

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