coping skills

I hate people: Is that normal? Causes, treatments, and shifting our perspectives

Is it normal to harbor such intense animosity towards others? It is—occasionally. Hate, with its corrosive nature, defies normalcy in its consuming grip, demanding a toll on both mind and body.  This sentiment, characterized by intense malevolent feelings, often stems from perceived threats, chronic disappointment, or deep offense. However, navigating…

Exploring the benefits of psychodynamic therapy

Psychodynamic therapy is a cornerstone of modern psychotherapy. This approach delves into the depths of human consciousness, unearthing the hidden influences on thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This therapeutic approach, rooted in the pioneering work of Sigmund Freud and further developed by subsequent theorists, seeks to bring unconscious processes to the…

Understanding mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) uses mindfulness and cognitive strategies in harmony to tackle various mental health disorders. This therapeutic approach, inspired by the pioneering work of Aaron Beck in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), combines the strengths of CBT with the enriching power of mindfulness.  MBCT seeks to enhance healthy self-reflection,…

Self-esteem counseling: Boost your confidence and self-worth with help from Thriveworks

Self-esteem significantly influences our life in many ways: It impacts our self-confidence, relationships, and ability to pursue our goals and aspirations, ultimately playing a pivotal role in our overall life satisfaction and success.  This is precisely why low self-esteem can have detrimental effects on our life, leading to feelings of…

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