Thriveworks counseling is all about helping people lead happy lives, and even though we spend our day counseling others, we also recognize the infinite value in listening to the advice of others. It is for this reason that we decided to ask a variety of mental health professionals from around the country to share with us some of the best advice they’ve ever received from others, and their answers were spectacular. Enjoy this amazing gallery of amazing advice mental health counselors have received from others, and hug the next person you see. You know, just because.

Mental Health Counseling Advice from Jill Howell

“The best advice that I ever received from another therapist was about my spouse. You are not his therapist, you are his wife.”

Jill Howell

“Happier people take risks. You can go to the same pizza place and it will be fine or you can try a new experience and absolutely love it!”

Lynn Zakeri

“The best advice that I ever received was when I was a new mommy. A friend who had a much older child told me to meet with my spouse every 6 months to evaluate what our “new normal” is.”

Erin Barbossa

Best Advice from Mental Health Counselors

“Whatever issues you have, deal with them. Deal with them now.”

Autumn Collier