Cognitive therapy encompasses a wide umbrella of approaches. One of the most widely-known of these approaches is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), but there is another commonly known technique often considered the predecessor of CBT: rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). REBT is commonly used to help people manage anxiety, depression, OCD,…
Beginning Therapy
Creative outlets can be a helpful way to channel and process inner thoughts. Whether through music, drawing, painting, writing, or other artistic mediums, art can provide focus, improve clarity, and inspire honesty—valuable tools in the context of psychotherapy. Art can be used to advance cognitive functions, boost self-esteem, confront emotions,…
While it is possible to overshare in therapy, therapy is a time and setting where oversharing is usually appropriate, welcomed, and helpful. That’s because the more details a client shares about their experiences and feelings, the more a therapist can gain insight into who they are and help guide them…
Romantic relationships can be a wonderful part of life, but they aren’t without their complications. Throughout a relationship, a variety of emotions can come up — from profound happiness and elation to deep despair and anger, and everything in between. The key to creating a healthy and happy relationship is…
Generally considered to be the gold standard of therapeutic counseling methods, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) aims to help clients cope with many of life’s hurdles by assessing the connection between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. CBT is particularly well-known for offering clients coping strategies that work well outside of therapy. CBT…
A therapeutic approach or modality is a perspective counselors and therapists can use to understand and work with their client’s presenting concerns. Holistic counseling, though, can be applied in almost any situation to make treatment more effective and impactful. Holistic counseling looks at every area of a person’s life to…
Career counseling, sometimes called career coaching, helps individuals choose or change their careers. This type of counseling is led by a therapist, life coach, or another professional who is trained to discuss general career information and career development. Research indicates that the average person will change occupations several times. With…
Spirituality is an integral part of effective psychotherapy. This doesn’t mean that therapy has to involve religion — it’s more considering one’s place in the universe and the purpose of life — but for some, incorporating Christian principles into the therapeutic process is helpful and comforting. This specific type of…
Personality disorders can be multi-faceted, highly-individualized conditions that affect each person uniquely. But at Thriveworks, we understand this complexity— and that’s why we believe in the pivotal role that personality disorder therapy plays in treatment. Our specialized therapists offer tailored and compassionate interventions, aiming to support individuals in navigating these…
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, and its diagnosis often requires a thorough examination of the individual’s history, symptoms, and functioning in different areas of life. If you’re in therapy already (or are considering starting), you might be wondering: Can a therapist diagnose ADHD? In most cases, they can. Learn more…