Several blog article on this site related to the issue to Binge Eating Disorder present a number of in-text APA-style citations. The follow is a full list of the citations and references.

Allen, Karina et al, “The Onset and Course of Binge Eating in 8-13 Year Old Healthy Weight, Overweight and Obese Children.” Eating Behaviors: an International Journal Vol. 9 Issue 4 (December 2008):  438-446

American Psychological Association.  “Treatment for Binge Eating.” (accessed February 1, 2011)

Darby, Anita et al, “The Rising Prevalence of Co-morbid Obesity and Eating Disorder Behaviors from 1995-2005.” The International Journal of Eating Disorders Vol. 42 Issue 2 (March 2009):  104-108

DeAngelis, Tori, “Binge Eating Disorder: What’s the Best Treatment?”  Monitor on Psychology Vol. 33 Issue 3 (March 2002): 30

Fitzpatrick, Elyse and Cornish, Carol.  Women Helping Women.  Eugene, oregon: Harvest House Publishing: 1997

Gibney, Michel et al, Clinical Nutrition 2005.  Ames, Iowa:  Blackwell Publishing: 2005.

Mayo Clinic. “Binge Eating Disorder.” (accessed February 15, 2011)

White, Marney et al, “Regimented and Lifestyle Restraint in Binge Eating Disorder.” International Journal of Eating Disorders Vol. 42 Issue 4 (May 2009):  326-331