Q: I’m looking for more information specifically strategies for dealing with avoidance with my wife when dealing with conflict, disagreements, or issues that make me uncomfortable. When in those moments I have a tendency to freeze up and we are expecting a child, our due date was Friday the 24th….
What is a starter marriage? Well, obviously it’s the beautiful union between a starter wife or a starter husband and their starter spouse. Gorgeous wedding, all the gifts, no children, and they’re divorced within five years. These kinds of marriages have also been called entry-level marriages, icebreaker marriages, warm-up marriages,…
Professional work environments are often viewed as a neutral zone where employees do their best to keep their personal lives private and opinions to themselves. However, recent Thriveworks research reveals that a large number of Americans report experiencing tension in the workplace due to clashing beliefs about some of the…
Men are often stereotyped as unemotional, cold, or even scared of commitment when it comes to settling down in romantic relationships. But science seems to indicate otherwise; recent results from a study published this year found that across three different continents and multiple cultures, men tend to profess their love…
In the 1960s, “don’t trust anyone over the age of 30” was a common phrase among young people as they clashed with their elders. Social upheavals, gender role-bending, and even global violence were visceral themes that influenced politics, educational systems, fashion, music, film, and more. Every step toward the new…