
How to gain someone’s trust back: Manageable steps for rebuilding security and stability in relationships

To make mistakes is to be human—but when our actions result in us hurting someone we’re close to, it’s possible to lose their trust. And odds are, if you’re reading this, you’ve either lost someone’s trust, or are searching for ways to forgive someone for something they’ve done to you….

Narcissistic relationship patterns: Signs, behaviors, & how to leave the relationship safely

The basis of all healthy relationships typically includes empathy, patience, and mutual support between everyone involved. But in a narcissistic relationship pattern, these healthy markers aren’t usually present. One of the key indicators of narcissism is a disregard for the well-being of others. In a relationship with a narcissistic individual,…

Why do people cheat? How to recognize the signs and deal with a cheating partner

Few things betray someone’s trust more than infidelity. It’s ruined many marriages, committed relationships, and families—but still, people continue to cheat on their partners.  Whether you’ve been cheated on or have been unfaithful in past relationships, you’re probably curious—why do people cheat? And how can you recognize the signs?  We…

Self-sabotage in relationships: what it looks like and how to stop it

Self-sabotage in relationships involves engaging in self-destructive patterns of behavior—whether unconsciously or consciously—which threaten to end a romantic relationship. This may involve distancing yourself, ignoring your partner, or putting emotional walls up. Often, self-sabotaging is related to past experiences or trauma.  Self-sabotage can harm or even end relationships that would…

What is only child syndrome?

“Only child syndrome” is a popular but controversial term used to describe a set of perceived negative traits or characteristics that are thought to be common among children who grow up without siblings. These traits may include selfishness, loneliness, introversion, difficulty sharing, and an overdeveloped sense of independence.  However, it’s…

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