Health & Exercise

Improving your diet (even slightly) can reduce depression symptoms (Video)

Improving your diet, even slightly, can reduce depression symptoms. This, according to a study from University of Manchester that analyzed data from 46,000 people. Researchers investigated the effects of dietary interventions and found that making simple changes can benefit your mental health. For example, eating more vegetables and cutting back…

A nap a day could lower your blood pressure and, in turn, reduce your risk of cardiovascular problems like heart attack

New research shows that midday napping could reduce blood pressure, just as significantly as other lifestyle changes. The research team reached these findings by analyzing 212 participants: half of whom napped during the day, and the other half of whom did not nap. After adjusting for factors known to affect…

How can I develop a healthy relationship with food? Eat mindfully, enjoy your food, and focus on quality not quantity

Last night, my roommate turned to me and said, “Is it just me, or does it feel you’re bombarded with information about food and dieting every second of every day?” She’s right. Everywhere you look nowadays, there is a conversation being had about food: the foods we should and shouldn’t…

What Constitutes An Unhealthy Lifestyle? Can An Unhealthy Lifestyle Lead to Depression?

Depression—a mental health disorder characterized by a depressed mood, which causes significant impairment in one’s everyday life—is the leading cause of disability worldwide, according to a recent study by the World Health Organization. This illness comes with crippling symptoms, from feelings of hopelessness to fatigue, irritability, and suicidal thoughts. Some…

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