traumatic childhood

Understanding and overcoming inferiority complex issues

An inferiority complex refers to someone’s unrealistic perceptions of their inadequacy. While it can be a symptom of certain mental health conditions, inferiority complexes aren’t recognized in the DSM-5 but are still a mental health concern for many everyday people.  Learn the truth about inferiority complexes below, including the signs,…

What are “daddy issues,” and what impact can negative father-child relationships have?

Parent-child relationships are an important part of development and can impact children well into adulthood, for better or worse. Though parents often do their best, they are still people, and they will make mistakes raising children. Subsequently, issues and conflict can develop between children and their mothers or fathers.  Many…

What are abandonment issues? Causes, symptoms, and how to overcome them

Few other psychological conditions affect an individual’s ability to function quite like abandonment issues. Often formed in response to a traumatic or neglectful childhood experience, abandonment issues can wreak havoc on the emotional and external lives of both children and adults who struggle to see their own value and to…

How can adverse childhood experiences and childhood trauma affect us in adulthood?

Childhood, if nothing else, is a memorable period of our lives. Hopefully, we can recall blissful memories: of holidays, old friends, family vacations, and time spent simply running around, doing all the things kids do. But not every childhood experience is so positive—some of us have adverse childhood experiences. In…

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