
When grief becomes anger: 5 steps that will help you work through the anger stage of grief

In 1969, Swiss-American Psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross theorized that there are five universal stages of grief: denial and seclusion, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These stages have since become a widely recognized framework for understanding how people process heartbreaking loss.  However, grief is an incredibly personal experience and these stages don’t…

Grief, lost emotions, and feeling numb after a death: Why can’t I feel anything?

While there are five primary stages of grief — denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance — they aren’t linear, and our grief processes are highly personal. Some people aren’t flooded with emotions after a major loss. At least, not at first. Instead, they feel nothing. Read on for more information…

“I have no desire for my husband”: What to do when you drift apart from your spouse

Relationships offer many rewards—support, love, acceptance, belonging, companionship, and understanding. However, they also come with challenges. As time goes on, people change, and it can be hard to adjust to these changes, whether in your partner or yourself. You might even find that you’re no longer attracted to your husband…

September is National Suicide Prevention Month: Recognizing warning signs and identifying treatment options

September is National Suicide Prevention Month and is an important chance for each of us to understand how suicidal thoughts can be identified, prevented, and treated.  The resounding theme of National Suicide Prevention Month is to provide support and compassion to those struggling with mental health conditions or life circumstances…

Histrionic personality disorder: Common characteristics and effective treatment

Many mental health conditions and disorders can influence emotions and emotional stability, including histrionic personality disorder. Histrionic personality disorder involves a pattern of excessive sensitivity and attention-seeking behavior, sometimes causing people with the disorder to go to extreme lengths to garner attention for themselves. There are a few ways to…

What is an emotional affair?

Romantic partnerships thrive on trust, intimacy, and honesty. When something starts to infringe on or inhibit that in a relationship, it can threaten its well-being. Though physically cheating is one of the most talked about ways that such trust gets broken, emotional affairs should also be taken into account. An…

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