There are a lot of words we throw around nonchalantly: two of those being sociopath and psychopath. Mr. Daron is a psychopath, he made us dissect frogs in class today. She never talks to anybody, she’s a complete sociopath. As you can see, it’s easy to declare someone a sociopath…
Mental Health Awareness
In Demi Lovato’s newly-released documentary, Simply Complicated, the star details her struggle with a multitude of mental illnesses, from eating disorders to depression to addiction to bipolar disorder—all of which went undiagnosed for years. The effects, however, were observable long before. Demi traces her bipolar disorder back to a fairly…
Generally speaking, there are two types of people: those who prefer the peace and quiet and those who just love to socialize. We know these people as introverts and extroverts. Introverts are typically the quieter, more solitary individuals, while extroverts are outgoing and exceptionally sociable. Now, these two personalities often…
Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist best known for outlining his infamous hierarchy of needs: a psychological theory that explains innate human needs in order of importance. These needs are classically presented as a five-tiered pyramid, with the most primitive or basic needs at the bottom. Maslow described the bottom…