My name is Alicia Potts and I have two sons with autism. When my older son, Nicholas, was two we noticed he was not talking. The doctors told us he could just be a late talker and to see how the next six months went. Six months later, there was…
“Sad, Mad, Irritable and Moody” A summary of long-term low level depression, Dysthymic Disorder with school age and adolescent boys Many parents are not familiar with “Dysthymic Disorder” but it is the most common form of depression and it is typically the longest lasting form; sometimes lasting for years. Often…
During the era of the DSM-IV, the definition of mental disorder was: “Clinically significant behavioral or psychological or biological syndromes that are associated with present distress, disability, or significant impairment in important areas of functioning” However, the DSM 5 has added to this definition the following criteria. “Must draw concern…
Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is characterized by frequent episodes of out-of-control eating (American Psychological Association, 2010). Unlike individuals who participate in bulimic behavior, those with BED do not purge themselves of excess caloric intake through self-induced vomiting or excessive exercise. (American Psychological Association, 2010) Symptoms include eating large amounts of…
Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) – What To Look For In Therapy Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD)is a disorder in which the victim shows an accustomed pattern of attention-seeking and extremely histrionic behaviors starting in early adulthood in a large range of situations. Victims of HPD are highly emotional, charming, energetic, manipulative,…