sexual desire

“I have no desire for my husband”: What to do when you drift apart from your spouse

Relationships can provide numerous benefits—support, love, acceptance, belonging, companionship, and understanding, to name a few. However, they don’t come without their hardships. As time passes, people change, and sometimes it can be difficult to adapt to those changes when you see them in your partner or even yourself. If you…

Sexual trauma: What are the effects? And what treatment options are available?

Sexual trauma can occur in many forms and for survivors often results in short- or long-term psychological consequences, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more. In the days and weeks following occurrences of sexual trauma, survivors may grapple with confusion, guilt, social withdrawal, and anger. Despite its potential to cause psychological…

Pornography addiction: Learn about the effects of compulsive porn consumption & treatment options

When it comes to pornography usage, mental health professionals are divided. Many believe that pornography may be beneficial for sexual exploration, enjoyment, education, and eliminating feelings of shame surrounding sex—while others deride its consumption, or are ambivalent. Regardless, when pornography usage begins to affect someone’s relationships, self-worth, or daily functioning,…

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