Mental illness is more common in people who live alone. This, according to researchers from University of Versailles.

This study analyzed data from 20,500 individuals between the ages of 16 and 64 who completed National Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys. Data included weight, height, level of social support, feelings of loneliness, and the number of people living in the individual’s household.

Researchers found a positive link between living alone and having a mental illness across all ages, in both men and women. The majority of these individuals suffered from loneliness, which explained this association.

This study demonstrates the importance of spending time with others. The researchers hope their findings will supplement interventions that tackle loneliness and aid mental wellbeing in people living alone.


Jacob, L., Haro, J., Koyanagi, A. (2019, May 1). Relationship between living alone and common mental disorders in the 1993, 2000, and 2007 National Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys. PLOS ONE. Retrieved from