Many children are shy by nature. They might hug their parents’ legs and bury their faces when introduced to someone new or run off at a record pace to avoid the interaction altogether. This is not uncommon — but some children fail to speak in select (or all) social situations. If…
To be occasionally anxious is to be human. But wrestling with anxious thoughts every now and again is a far cry from the symptoms of clinical anxiety. Below, we explore and define the symptoms, triggers, and warning signs of common anxiety disorders, and more. Being able to recognize anxiety symptoms…
Adults with separation anxiety disorder have heightened, functionally impairing fears about being apart from their attachment figures. The mental health condition might cause them to experience a panic attack when their spouse goes to work, or have recurring nightmares about the death of someone they love. Though separation anxiety in…
We’re all afraid of something. But some of us have extreme fears called phobias and we’ll go to equally extreme measures to avoid them. For certain individuals, it’s animals or insects; for others, it’s small spaces or large groups of people. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive understanding…