Valerie Proctor Greene, LICSW

Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker

Valerie Proctor Greene, LICSW

  • <p>BA in Psychology, Spelman College </p> <p>MSW in Clinical Social Work, Smith College </p> <p>Post-graduate Certificate in Addiction Treatment, Boston University </p>
  • Expertise
  • Personal growth through self-reflection, mental health and wellness in marginalized populations, treating trauma, and advocacy for women and children.
  • Valerie Proctor Greene is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW), life coach, and group facilitator with over 25 years of experience in the mental health field. Previously, Ms. Proctor was employed by Morehouse College, Simmons College, and Harvard University. She also had a private practice in Boston and Atlanta. In addition, she is a facilitator for Team Building, Conflict Resolution, and Diversity/Cross-Cultural trainings. Ms. Proctor was the Program Director for a Department of Justice grant on violence against women. The grant focused on outreach and education as well as policy development on dating violence and sexual assault on college campuses. She has presented numerous keynotes and talks on African American Women and Self-care, Trauma and African Americans, Media Images and Stereotypes of African American Women, Cross-Cultural Clinical Practice, Considering Culture When Treating Addictions, and Racial Identity Development.

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    Clinical writer Valerie Proctor Greene, LICSW

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