Armeshia Lawrence is a Board-Certified Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. She provides a wide range of services to adults, children, adolescents, and their families including diagnosing mental health conditions, conducting therapy, and prescribing medications for patients with mental health conditions or substance abuse problems.
Learn more about Armeshia and schedule an appointment with her here.
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We are dedicated to providing you with valuable resources that educate and empower you to live better. We reference authoritative sources that provide additional value, and we also enforce a tiered review process in which at least three individuals — one or more being licensed clinical experts — review and edit each piece of content before it is published. In addition, we frequently update old content to reflect the most up-to-date information. Read more about
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Thriveworks’ own licensed mental health professionals ensure that our content is accurate and truly helpful to our readers. These professionals bring extensive experience and expertise in the mental health field, which enables them to verify the integrity of our content and improve its value via their own insights and tips. Read more about our
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Articles written or reviewed by Armeshia Lawrence, FPMHNP-BC
Mixing Prozac and alcohol: Is it a bad idea?
Medically reviewed by Armeshia Lawrence, FPMHNP-BC
Does Wellbutrin cause weight gain or loss? What to expect and more
Medically reviewed by Kate Hanselman, PMHNP-BC
Understanding complicated grief: Causes, symptoms, treatment, and coping strategies
Medically reviewed by Armeshia Lawrence, FPMHNP-BC
What is passive suicidal ideation? Understanding signs, risks, and treatment
Medically reviewed by Kate Hanselman, PMHNP-BC