During election season, headlines and ads about candidates fill our feeds. Emails about voter registration swarm our inboxes. Political opinions dominate our conversations. Arguments flood our social media accounts and more importantly, our relationships. And whether we like it or not, politics are on our minds. There are some people…
breathing techniques
Election season is—and always has been—stressful. So stressful, in fact, that Couples Therapist Steven Stosny created the term “election stress disorder,” which describes a state of complete and utter stress caused by the election. Think: Smear campaigns on both sides of the political aisle, nonstop news alerts, social media feuds,…
Anger is a natural emotion that stems from a perceived threat—to our physical or emotional wellbeing; our self-esteem or self-worth; our resources such as our finances, time or belongings; or those we love. Additionally, it’s a reaction to and a distraction from other negative feelings such as anxiety, fear, shame,…