You’ve heard the adage “Fake it ‘til you make it”

However, even if once you’ve made it you could be among the ranks of many successful people who still feel like they’re faking it.

Neuroscientist and TED speaker Bradley Voytek explains,
“… [it] appears to be fairly rampant among academics and other ‘smart’ people. At some point during your career, possibly more than once, you will look at your peers and think to yourself, ‘I’m not as good as they are; I am not cut out for this…'”

In fact, such questioning could indicate positive things about you as a professional. Worries about being inadequate are usually associated with concern, diligence and, paradoxically, competence. On the contrary, impostors and the genuinely incompetent tend not to worry about being a fake.

Still not convinced? Try This:
Put emotion aside and take a hard look at the evidence.

What have been your achievements? Professional, academic, or otherwise?
Have you passed competency exams? or performance reviews?
What do supervisors or colleagues say about you?
Do you have any Accolades?

Tell yourself that if you’re a faker, you’re certainly not good enough to deceive everyone who’s trying to affirm that you’re the real deal.

For Thriveworks,

I’m Anthony Centore